The Convergence Law Institute uses a diverse set of tools. Depending on the topic, the audience, and the situation, these include:

Analytic Policy Papers

CLI staff members have written on a broad array of public policy issues, and are skilled at incorporating the legal/policy/economic/political dimensions of a problem into a coherent analysis.

Public Advocacy and Outreach

CLI staff members are also experienced writers of opeds, journal articles, blogs, e-zine comments, and short papers designed to drive home an argument. We have participated in many panels, made speeches, appeared on numerous radio and television programs, and been interviewed and quoted by reporters on numerous occasions.

We have lists of people interested in particular topics, which gives us an ability to reach the various echo chambers that are important to debates over policy.

Websites & Blogs

In addition to our main Convergence Law Institute website and its blog, we can create subsidiary websites devoted to particular topics, as vehicles for distributing our work and participating in public discussion.

Testimony to Congressional Committees

CLI staff members are veteran witnesses before the U.S. Congress.

Amicus briefs

An effective amicus brief does not focus on the purely legal dimensions of a case - that is the job of the parties. An amicus brief should put the controversy in its context and explain why one party should win as a matter of good public policy, leaving it to the party itself to argue why the law supports this result.

This truth has particular force in Supreme Court practice. Filing an amicus brief at the certiorari stage is far more important than filing on the merits, and at the cert stage the policy issues are absolutely crucial.

Comments to Regulatory Agencies

Many advocates regard a comment to an agency as the equivalent of a litigation brief. This is error, because the rules of effectiveness are quite different. James V. DeLong's article How to Convince an Agency has been used as teaching material in courses at the Yale Law School and Carnegie Mellon School of Management.

Coalition Building with Think Tanks and Academia

We have worked extensively in and with other think tanks, and with academicians, and can use these connections to marshal support on particular issues.


We can sponsor events of all kinds, ranging from brown bag lunches to full-dress seminars and conferences.

Legal Expertise

We have an office-sharing arrangement with Kamlet Reichert, and can draw on its staff for legal analysis and legal representation.

International Expertise

International issues are crucial to most industries, and their importance can only grow. Our recent travels include Brussels, Milan, Prague, Rio de Janiero, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Hanoi, Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lampur, and Jakarta.


CLI Mission

The Convergence Law Institute (CLI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to research and education on public policy issues.
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CLI Projects

  • News
  • Competition
  • Software
  • China
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Telecommunications
See also ...

... The weblog of the Convergence Law Institute


"A legal argument is not the same thing as a policy argument . . . and as advocates become increasingly concerned with the policy arguments a problem arises: the principles of legal advocacy are only partially applicable to policy advocacy, and in places where they are not applicable they be misleading and downright harmful."